

When the energy of the sea met the energy of the moon, the Eden necklace was born. A combination of classic pearl and fresh aqua marina that exudes a unique aura of harmonious harmony. Aqua marina is energetically considered the stone of courage. It helps with fear, especially fear of speaking, and is an excellent energy stone for all public speakers. It is also a stone related to well-being, peace and helps to achieve goals. Shamans and many mystics have used Aquamarine as a healing stone for the soul and believed that it reveals the truth to whoever possesses it. The PEARL represents the female deities and to many ancient peoples it symbolized the energy of the moon. Their name comes from the ancient Greek word “marmairo” which means to shine and they were dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. Today it is a symbol of longevity and fertility. It is believed to bring wisdom and stimulate femininity as well as intuition in the wearer.